
Life By Design

Practical Tips and Strategies to Design an Enchanted Life

Magnificent Alaska

Magnificent Alaska

In the summer of 2019, I, together with my wife...
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12 Lessons from a Father

12 Lessons from a Father

My dear boys, My dad used to write to me...
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Building and Sustaining Healthy Relationships: The 3 Imperatives

Building and Sustaining Healthy Relationships: The 3 Imperatives

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and widely considered to be the...
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Extraordinary Success is Within Our Reach – A Seagull and a Cognitive Psychologist Show Us How

Extraordinary Success is Within Our Reach – A Seagull and a Cognitive Psychologist Show Us How

1.    “We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find...
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Taylor Swift: From Music Maestro to Business Maestro?

Taylor Swift: From Music Maestro to Business Maestro?

Few, if any at all, would deny that Taylor Swift...
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A Simple Strategy to Appreciate the Value of Time and Increase Our Productivity

A Simple Strategy to Appreciate the Value of Time and Increase Our Productivity

Ah! Time!! So real but also so very elusive!!! Time is universally...
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The Story of All Women…

The Story of All Women…

My longtime readers know that the subject that most fascinates...
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Which is More Injurious to Our Health and Prosperity – Google or Tobacco?

Which is More Injurious to Our Health and Prosperity – Google or Tobacco?

A suspenseful, action packed thriller is now playing and thousands...
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What You Wanted to Know About FEAR but were Too Afraid to Ask

What You Wanted to Know About FEAR but were Too Afraid to Ask

“Be Bold. Have A Good Courage.” You may or may...
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Be Awesome!

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