My lovely dear boys
today I want to clarify
some doubts that many have
of the depths and the breadths
of a father’s love

a father
sad it is to say
is often so misjudged
perceived to be
unduly harsh and strict
with nothing but discipline in his heart

it is all folly
it is all illusory
without a smidgen of truth

fathers deeply love their children
every moment they breathe
sometimes more
sometimes less
but there is a difference though
in the love they show
a mother cares more for how the children feel
a father cares more for what they do
a mother wants them safe and secure
a father helps them build their grit and fortitude
a tear moves the mother more
a failing makes a father’s eyes pour
the soul of a father
is filled with joy
when he is convinced
that his children
are ably prepared
and can vanquish
all of life’s frights

a father teaches to walk
and how to ride a bike
he helps you deftly shoot the hoops
and the proper way to talk
and all that is necessary
so children hit their stride

a father may often be
stern during the day
but is so gentle at night
he tucks you in bed
reads stories at bedtime
and kisses you goodnight
he hugs you when you sleep
and makes sure you are at ease

a father’s love
is no less deep
than that of a mother
or whoever you feel
is the most loving person on earth

Be Bold. Always Have a Good Courage. Rise and Shine
With lots and lots of love

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