About Me

Hi!  This is Sushil. I am thrilled and honored by your visit. Hopefully, you find something here that interests you.

On this page, I tell you a little about me.  First a caveat!  As human beings, we have an inherent tendency to overestimate our strengths and underestimate, or even be oblivious, of our weaknesses.  Being a long-time student of cognitive biases, I have tried to diminish this bias significantly but probably not able to eliminate it completely.  Thus, if you find anything boastful, immodest, or an exaggeration, please forgive me.  I prefer to be humble since pride hampers learning.  Thank you.

 My passion is understanding, and deciphering human behavior.  I am intrigued, perplexed, and awed by how we think, why do we behave the way we do, what motivates us, what discourages us, and all other aspects of human behavior.  In short, in my quest to make LIFE better, more productive, more lively, more fulfilling, and more meaningful, I am constantly in search of more profound explanations of what inspires us and what dissuades us.

I am a voracious reader.  I prodigiously read human psychology, philosophy, sociology, and subjects that help me better understand our behavior, our origins, and our evolution.  Additionally, I read classic literature, plays, poems, fiction (very few), biographies, business strategy, and entrepreneurship.  The only genre I can think of that I avoid is science fiction.

All of us have some shortcomings, and one that I am aware of in myself is my indomitable curiosity.  It is almost a curse.  Inquisitive about anything and everything, I find myself pulled in many directions.  I am an enthusiastic photographer, an adventurous traveler, an avid chess player, a philatelist, a numismatist, and a collector of hotel and airline stationeries. I enjoy theatre, music, debates, and deep conversations.  Thus, you can say, I am a “Jack of many trades, master of none.”

Time to stop….I am bragging too much!

Welcome again to my cyberspace. And shoot me an email if you feel I can help in any way. I love to hear from all my guests.

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