Poems | Life By Design https://sushilrungta.com Practical Tips And Strategies to Design An Enchanted Life Sun, 11 Oct 2020 19:48:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://sushilrungta.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Favicon-Transparent.ico Poems | Life By Design https://sushilrungta.com 32 32 180502679 Squashed Dreams https://sushilrungta.com/squashed-dreams/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=squashed-dreams https://sushilrungta.com/squashed-dreams/#respond Sun, 11 Oct 2020 19:48:50 +0000 https://sushilrungta.com/?p=230723 I was a flower bud
I had a dream…
To bloom fully some day
And spread my sweet fragrance
On whosoever passed by.
I hoped to adorn a damsel’s hair
And make her feel proud
Or be arranged in a vase
And delight for days to come.
But none of this happened
My dreams were squashed…
I was plucked while still young and green
And ripped to tiny pieces
By an envious woman
Who wanted her flowers to be the best.

I was a caterpillar
I had a dream…
To evolve into a butterfly
And flutter my colorful wings.
Hopping from flower to flower
Pollinating so they could breed even more
And create a beautiful sight.
But none of this happened
My dreams were squashed…
By some hedonistic boys
Who slit me in half
To look me from the inside
Satisfying their evil pleasures
And some momentary delight.

I was a free-swimming larva
I had a dream…
Of finding my way into an oyster
And becoming a lustrous pearl
Someday emerging from the shell
And shining brightly all around.
Adorn a king’s crown
Or be traded by my owner
To feed a thousand mouths.
But none of this happened
My dreams were squashed…
By a wrathful giant whale
Who selfishly swallowed me for lunch
I was razed inside her
And finally expelled from her body
Polluting the waters around.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

https://sushilrungta.com/squashed-dreams/feed/ 0 230723
The Power of Love https://sushilrungta.com/the-power-of-love/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-power-of-love https://sushilrungta.com/the-power-of-love/#respond Wed, 23 Sep 2020 00:20:44 +0000 https://sushilrungta.com/?p=230736 A word…spoken
Did it soothe?

A smile…flashed
Did it placate?

A thought…cloaked
Did it conceal?

A touch…caressed
Did it heal?

A hug…enveloped
Did it comfort?

Love…only love
Love which is
selfless, unconditional, genuine
has the power
to soothe
to placate
to conceal
to heal
to comfort

https://sushilrungta.com/the-power-of-love/feed/ 0 230736
A Father’s Message https://sushilrungta.com/a-fathers-message/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-fathers-message https://sushilrungta.com/a-fathers-message/#respond Wed, 23 Sep 2020 00:05:30 +0000 https://sushilrungta.com/?p=230752 My lovely dear boys
I have ten things to speak of
which have been on my mind
for what seems like an eon
I hope you like them
and appreciate them
for all I want
is for you to be wise
and always be
and on the rise


the people
who try to steal your wonder
are the same folks
let others freely steal theirs
never let go
of your sense of awe
don’t let anyone
close your eyes
keep them always agile
be wary, very wary
those who may steal your wonder
because it’s yours
cling to your sweetness
and fully enjoy
the million
beautiful curiosities
of your life
don’t let anything
become mundane
I’m serious
pay close attention
all of your experiences
are soaked in magic
the good and the bad
the happy and the sad
the hilarious and the mad
it’s all a gift
some people will
want you to treat your
pulse like it’s boring
it’s anything but
because your life is bathed in stardust


every time you
see a little baby
I want you to
fall down the
rabbit hole of
the creator’s divine mastery
and observe
their innocent hearts
twinkle in their eyes
and their curious mind
don’t let a baby pass by you
without becoming bewildered
or by the wonderful oddities of life
babies are the key
to the mysteries
of all our experiences here
acknowledge the portent of existence
embrace the splendor
revel in the moment
to make your life sublime


during the times
when your stomach
hurts from laughing
so much with your soul friend
or some another
I urge you to not
let the moment slip by
without first
giving attention to the unappreciated
the hungry and the poor
the underprivileged and the unfortunate
every person is a gift
in the world to fulfill a need
treat all with dignity
and give them the love they seek


when your heart
gets broken
as it often will
I am begging you
to count each tear
that rolls down your face
as the blessing that it is
you are crying
because you haven’t
let your heart go numb
you are crying
because you let
yourself be weak
you are crying
because you
are feeling fragile
you are crying
because you are
fighting to stay alive
every tear
is proof
of how incredibly strong you are
be proud of the tears you shed
for each tear is unique
telling your story
drop by beautiful drop


you will be kissed tenderly
by a person who recognizes
the ornamental treasures in you
don’t you dare treat
that divine kiss
like anything other than
the strange marvel it is
if you ignore that kiss
and pass it away as ordinary
than everything else in your life
will be drab and dreary


every breath you take
is proof
that your life
is a remarkable journey
there never will be
anybody quite like you again
there is only one you
unlike anything
that this universe
has ever seen before
be bold
be fearless
be kind
and in everything you do
strive to make history


repeating a message
that has been said before
but saying it again
so it sinks forevermore
always help others
be kind to all
and without any reservations
love one and all
but expect nothing in return
no matter how much you give
no matter how much you care
for in return you will get
only brickbats and curse
let me set straight
some fallacies we’ve been taught
kindness begets kindness — it’s a lie
help others and you will be helped — it’s a lie
love and you will be loved — it’s a lie
we should help
and be kind
and be loving
towards all
but protect your own interests
if you compromise yourself
and help someone else
that person will destroy you
and will not feel any remorse


perhaps rather soon
our time
with one another will end
we will hold
hands for one last time
and our laughing together
will only be a memory
my advice to you
let those moments
take root inside of you
it will last a thousand lifetimes
and bring you joy
time and time again
let our fleeting moments together
grow like a towering redwood tree
time is relentless
but not stronger than love
honor every second of your life
treat every little
bit of your experience
like the wild phenomenon
that it is
be a vigilant witness
to the magic of everything


don’t ever become forgetful
of your dignity
or that
on the day you were born
you brought with you
your fortitude
never take for granted
all that blazes in you
shape your thoughts
structure your life
the future is never preordained
but through passion and perseverance
and by wielding valor and grit
we can radiate
don’t forget
don’t forget
don’t forget
keep marching
onward and forward
keep climbing
higher and higher


on those occasions
when you find
yourself watching a sunset
please spend a few seconds
in the last moments of the dying light
take a deep breath
and recall the importance of twilight
regardless of how long or dark the night
blackness will fade
the shadows will wane
the light will return
it always has
it always will
and you will rise
I solemnly promise
you will rise
if you follow
and take to heart
all that is said herein

Be Bold. Always Have a Good Courage. Rise and Shine
With lots and lots of love


https://sushilrungta.com/a-fathers-message/feed/ 0 230752
A Father’s Love https://sushilrungta.com/a-fathers-love/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-fathers-love https://sushilrungta.com/a-fathers-love/#respond Tue, 22 Sep 2020 23:21:49 +0000 https://sushilrungta.com/?p=230754 My lovely dear boys
today I want to clarify
some doubts that many have
of the depths and the breadths
of a father’s love

a father
sad it is to say
is often so misjudged
perceived to be
unduly harsh and strict
with nothing but discipline in his heart

it is all folly
it is all illusory
without a smidgen of truth

fathers deeply love their children
every moment they breathe
sometimes more
sometimes less
but there is a difference though
in the love they show
a mother cares more for how the children feel
a father cares more for what they do
a mother wants them safe and secure
a father helps them build their grit and fortitude
a tear moves the mother more
a failing makes a father’s eyes pour
the soul of a father
is filled with joy
when he is convinced
that his children
are ably prepared
and can vanquish
all of life’s frights

a father teaches to walk
and how to ride a bike
he helps you deftly shoot the hoops
and the proper way to talk
and all that is necessary
so children hit their stride

a father may often be
stern during the day
but is so gentle at night
he tucks you in bed
reads stories at bedtime
and kisses you goodnight
he hugs you when you sleep
and makes sure you are at ease

a father’s love
is no less deep
than that of a mother
or whoever you feel
is the most loving person on earth

Be Bold. Always Have a Good Courage. Rise and Shine
With lots and lots of love

https://sushilrungta.com/a-fathers-love/feed/ 0 230754
Life’s Joys are Within https://sushilrungta.com/lifes-joys-are-within/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lifes-joys-are-within https://sushilrungta.com/lifes-joys-are-within/#respond Tue, 22 Sep 2020 23:19:17 +0000 https://sushilrungta.com/?p=230757 Looking through pots of daffodils,
Neatly arranged on the windowsill,
It is still dark,
And quiet, eerily quiet.
No sound of a dog’s bark,
Nor any roosters hark,
And nary a whisper in the park.

The first rays of the sun just breaking,
My eyes spot a hummingbird,
Chirping, squeaking, and whistling,
As it flutters from flower to flower,
Hovering over a salvia, and then on a petunia,
And on to a bright red hibiscus next,
Relishing the sweet nectars,
Nourishing itself,
Reveling in its freedom,
To do what it pleases,
Concerned not with anything else.

The sun rises higher,
Illuminating the realm around,
Seems it will be a clear bright day!
Will it? I ask myself,
Lately, I have seen dawns,
And then I see dusks,
But no sunshine, no light,
The sky is always overcast.

Inside the house,
As it has been for several years’ past,
It feels foggy, cold, and damp,
And so very lonely,
Nary a trace of warmth,
No one to embrace,
Nor give a comforting hug,
Is it because everyone is asleep?
Or because no one doth care?

I hear a voice,
Soothing and gentle,
Asking me softly,
And with a lot of loving care,
“What is it my child,
Why do you feel exiled,
And so much deprived?”

sense a glimmer of hope,
And reply rather meekly,
“My life feels empty,
Barren and unsweet,
A life is no life,
Which is a prisoner to fate,
Sans any true love,
Or someone to caress,
I long for a life full of joys,
And little, if any grief,
Joys are multiplied,
When they are shared,
But grief, I agree,
Should be endured quietly.
I want to share my joys,
And lend a helping hand,
Now and always,
So, I feel pleased.”

You are not asinine,”
The voice lovingly replied,
“You should know better,
That one can feel lonely,
In solitude and also in a crowd,
It’s all your attitude,
and the chatter in your mind,
The world is what it is,
And such it will ever be.

Blame not the world,
Nor the people around you,
As the cause of your miseries,
’tis the stories you tell yourself,
The tales you conjure,
That cause you distress.

Your thoughts are what shape you,
Change your narrative,
Let not your thoughts hold you hostage,
Discard any tinted glasses,
Then there will be light,
And sunshine around you.

You are the master of your fate,
And the captain of your soul,
Fly like the hummingbird,
Flap your wings in joy,

Your life is beautiful,
And so full of joy,
Appreciate it as such,
You need to untangle,
And you will find blissful joy,”

I thanked her with the bottom of heart,
And changed my tinted glasses,
Yes, life is truly joyous,
It is all within.

https://sushilrungta.com/lifes-joys-are-within/feed/ 0 230757