Professional Growth | Life By Design Practical Tips And Strategies to Design An Enchanted Life Wed, 23 Sep 2020 00:07:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Professional Growth | Life By Design 32 32 180502679 How to Avoid Everyday Conflicts? Wed, 23 Sep 2020 00:07:55 +0000 Why Conflicts Arise

As social animals, we derive our joys, pleasures, and experiences through interactions with other people. Too frequently, we begin conversing with someone and what was intended to be an amiable conversation quickly turns into an argument. We try hard to convince someone that their opinion on a particular issue is shaky. We introduce logic, rationale, and relevant analogies to persuade, but our conversation partner remains resolute, refusing to appreciate our point of view. “How can you say that capitalism motivates people to try harder when all it does it favor the rich and mighty?” The result is that animosity develops between the two and may escalate to hatred and bitterness.

Why does this happen? In short, the answer is because of our deeply entrenched beliefs and values which have firmly implanted themselves in our psyche and when we encounter anything that challenges these beliefs and values, we rebel. Our opinions are often shaped by emotions, past experiences, cognitive biases, and any group(s) we identity with rather than facts or rationale. Psychological research suggests that once we become comfortable with our biases, we refuse to appreciate any perspective which challenges them.

Why Do We Refuse To Accept Facts

Our minds are conditioned to hold onto pre-existing beliefs and convictions, a condition which psychologists call “the illusion of validity.” According to Dr. Daniel Kahneman, “for some of our most important beliefs we have no evidence at all, except that people we love and trust hold these beliefs.” The problem lies in that we adopt our beliefs as undisputable truths. Because of this illusion, we construct a story in our mind which we believe to be true but is not necessarily so. People also succumb to the illusion of validity if the group to which we belong, or a group with which we identify ourselves, hold some beliefs regardless of how valid or absurd they may be. A certain amount of plain old inertia also comes into play. We prefer to deny or deprecate any information that is new or uncomfortable rather than alter our views.

Finding a Solution

How do we find a solution to this emotional tug of war? There is no easy answer to this question. But before proffering a possible solution, I would like to caution that we should never ever consider the other person as adamant, irrational, impractical, or whatever negative attributes may come to our mind. Character assassination only makes matters worse. No approach could be more wrong. We need to realize that in all likelihood, the other person also harbors similar feelings towards us and if there is no mutual respect, the chances of resolving matters simply cease to exist. To clarify, for purposes of this article, we are talking about balanced, reasonable people and not bigots or partisans who may internally realize the absurdity in their beliefs but refuse to acknowledge or admit them since they have a vested interest in supporting a cause or group.

Fortunately for us, research also provides a solution but it requires us to be flexible in our thinking and receptive to contrary opinions, a feat easier preached than embraced.

Rebuilding Burnt Bridges

Ideally, in the first place, bridges should not be burnt. Again, this is easier said than done. By the time we realize that we have burnt bridges, it is usually too late and extremely difficult to rebuild them unless both parties realize their folly and setting aside their egos, get down to the task in earnest.

A first step would be to learn about the early years of the person with whom we desire to resolve conflicts, the time in which their personalities were being formed. The conversation could be around the biggest personal challenge they’ve faced, how they overcame those challenges, and what influence external forces had on them. If we listen carefully without being judgmental, we may get insights into why they behave as they do, making it easier for us to empathize with them.

The second step would be to focus on similarities rather than differences between the two. By focusing on similarities, we begin to relate with people in a positive, healthy way.

The third step is to ask open ended questions. By showing a genuine interest in the other person, and trying to understand the reasons influencing their perspectives, we significantly increase our chances of rebuilding the bridge.

Important to keep in mind that at no time during the process should either person adopt an argumentative style nor show any distrust, contempt, or mockery of the other person’s views either verbally or through body language or facial expressions. Nothing will kill the possibilities of finding a solution faster than disdain for the other person. If despair sets in because the other person just does not agree, the conversation should be adjourned and resumed again when the mind may be less perturbed.

The biggest benefit to having such conversations is that our own thinking may evolve in unexpected ways. We are very likely to gain fresh perspectives which could be very beneficial in future discussions with this person and every other person…and prevent the burning of bridges in the first place.


Every conflict resolution process has its limitations. For the process discussed here, some limitations include:

1. This process is only suitable to resolve conflicts between two people and not among a group of people. We tend to think and behave differently in a group setting and the dynamics are very different than when negotiating with a single person;

2. For any strategy to succeed, including this one, it is imperative that both partners have an open mind and empathize with the other. If one is affable but the other remains hostile, it does not work and matters become worse;

3. The process of rebuilding bridges is hard and time consuming. If we believe conflicts can be resolved quickly, we are setting up ourselves for failure. May be wiser to not start the process at all;

4. No strategy or process is guaranteed or fool-proof, including this one. We have to take our cues from the situation and modify our approach as we make progress. This, of course, requires some experience and expertise;

5. One cannot overemphasize the desire to resolve. Too often we believe we have the desire to resolve but in reality we only want to assert, and reassert our viewpoint. With such a mindset if you believe you can resolve…good luck!

Life is Precious…Live Well
Business is Strategy…Play Well

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Extraordinary Success is Within Our Reach – A Seagull and a Cognitive Psychologist Show Us How Mon, 20 Jul 2020 12:40:39 +0000 1.    “We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill.”

This quote, which has long been a strong motivating and inspiring force for me, is from a short fable, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, authored by Richard Bach. In this metaphorical parable, Bach, a pilot by training, through the life of a fictional seagull, depicts the mindset necessary to achieve success in one’s profession or career and contains plenteous tips on how we can achieve extraordinary success.

In this article, I am discussing a few maxims from the fable which I have found very inspiring. Following the maxims, I elucidate the thoughts of the author together with additional notes (where necessary) clarifying or expanding upon the maxim.

The headline quote, in my opinion, is similar to the quote by W. Somerset Maugham, “It’s a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” Both these quotes prod us to first dream, and then work towards realizing that dream. What Bach and Maugham are suggesting is that, essentially, we never get a thought without the ability to make such thoughts a reality. Of course, once a thought arises, we have to work towards accomplishing it, otherwise the wishes are nothing but merely “castles in the air.” 

2. (a) “Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip,” Jonathan would say, “is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too.” 

(b) “You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way.”

(c) “The only true law is that which leads to freedom”, Jonathan said. “There is no other.”

(d) “He spoke of very simple things – that it is right for a gull to fly, that freedom is the very nature of his being, that whatever stands against that freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form.”

(e) “Everything that limits us, we have to put aside.”

In these five maxims, the author is encouraging us to think broadly, think differently, and think expansively. I believe Henry Ford also implied something similar when he said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Our thoughts can limit us from scaling new heights, or they can encourage us and give us the drive to succeed. We have to train our mind to think that we can do it and that is the first step on the path to achieving extraordinary success.  We then need to engage in relentless pursuit of our goal. If we are petrified of taking risks, essentially, we are increasing the chances of failing in our endeavors.

A seagull in flight

3. “His one sorrow was not solitude, it was that other gulls refused to believe the glory of flight that awaited them; they refused to open their eyes and see.”

How often our acts are dictated by the thought, “what will others think?” Propelled by the desire to please others, or not being thought of as a fool, we refuse to pursue our dreams. Very often, when we venture upon something new; something radical; something that has not been done before; people laugh at us, ridicule us, and discourage us. Some common phrases thrown at us include, “it will never work”; “this is outlandish”; or even “this is crazy.” Innovators ignore the naysayers and pursue their dreams and it is to these daring innovators that we owe all progress. We should follow our convictions, not of others.  If our focus remains on pleasing others, it is highly unlikely we will achieve any success, neither will we succeed in pleasing anyone. Bach elaborates this concept more lucidly in another book, ‘Illusions’, where he says, “I do not exist to impress the world.  I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.” Admittedly, while we should pursue what makes us happy, we have to be mindful of the needs, emotions, and sentiments of our loved ones and strike a balance such that we accomplish what we desire without offending anyone.

4. “Like everything else, Fletcher. Practice.”

Jonathan, while teaching his students, stresses the importance of practicing if we desire to become the best, or among the best, in our field. The important role that practice, or more specifically, ‘deliberate practice’ plays in determining whether not we become experts in our field has been researched extensively by Dr. K. Anders Ericsson, a cognitive psychologist, who spent his entire career studying experts in several fields. Dr. Ericsson found that achieving expertise was the result not of natural talent but of hard work, or “deliberate practice,” as he described it. “Consistently and overwhelmingly”, his research showed that experts are “always made, not born” explaining that when it came to the development of experts and other masters of their craft, nature took a back seat to nurture. In a paper  published in the Harvard Business Review, he wrote that “The development of genuine expertise requires struggle, sacrifice, and honest, often painful self-assessment. There are no shortcuts. It will take you at least a decade to achieve expertise, and you will need to invest that time wisely, by engaging in “deliberate” practice – practice that focuses on tasks beyond your current level of competence and comfort.”  

Dr. Ericsson’s research was also used by Malcom Gladwell and Angela Duckworth in his book, “Outliers” (2008) and by Angela Duckworth in her book, “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” (2018). Partly dismayed that Gladwell oversimplified his research by stating that 10,000 hours is the magic number one must practice before gaining expertise in any given field, Dr. Ericsson published his findings in the book “Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise” (2016, co-authored with Dr. Robert Pool). In an interview given to “The Psych Report”, Dr. Ericsson claimed that “there is nothing magical about the 10,000 hours number, rather that the way a person practiced, or “deliberate practice” mattered just as much, if not more, than the amount of time they committed to their craft. “Deliberate practice”, he continued, “occurred at the edge of one’s comfort zone” and involved setting specific goals, focusing on technique and obtaining immediate feedback from a teacher or mentor.”


In this article, my objective was not to comprehensively discuss the “Science of Achievement” but provide a high-level view. The key lessons from the research done on this subject are:

(a) We must first identify a field we desire to gain expertise in;

(b) Believe that we can achieve that goal; and

(c) Dedicate ourselves to gain mastery in our chosen field by extensive deliberate practice.  

For those wanting to achieve extraordinary success, further reading may not be required but if you desire to pursue the concept at a deeper level, you may want to start with the sources mentioned in this article and then, if still necessary, consult other resources.

Life is Precious….Live Well!

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Taylor Swift: From Music Maestro to Business Maestro? Sat, 18 Jul 2020 11:13:25 +0000 Few, if any at all, would deny that Taylor Swift is an amazing songwriter and singer. Her many accomplishments in music are a testimony to her talent, skills, and caliber. I confess, her music also makes me tap my toes and sway my hips.

Few, if any at all, would agree that she is also an astute businessperson. And that would be a mistake. Lately, Taylor Swift has proved that her business acumen matches, if not exceed, her musical talents.

Intrigued by her recent business moves, I decided to learn more about her. Based on what I have ascertained so far, I am not disappointed. In fact, highly impressed!

I will briefly discuss two of her recent business moves that made news and my analysis:

1.  Protest the policies of Apple Inc.

On June 21, 2015, she posted an open letter, alerting Apple Inc. that she will be withholding her album, 1989, from Apple Music, the company’s music streaming service. She took this step to protest Apple’s policy of not paying the artists during the initial 3-month period during which subscribers can try the service for free.

Shortly after the letter was published, Apple conceded and agreed to reverse its policies and pay the artists during a subscriber’s free trial period.

Analysis:  Initially, I only read this news cursorily. A few weeks later, digging deeper, I discovered that she withheld her music to champion the cause of young artists who may have published only one or two albums and were yet to attain any modicum of financial security. These fledgling artists were also likely in debt and needed income to repay their obligations. The letter highlighted the inner feelings of all such artists and requested Apple to reconsider its policy.

The letter was well crafted, respectful, and non-threatening. It was also a very gutsy move because she published the letter, without consulting her team, which was in the midst of negotiating the matter with Apple but not making much headway.

The deft handling of the matter is a testimony to her ingenuity. Besides, it authenticates her caring attitude and her desire to help young and upcoming artists. Very laudable indeed!

2. Combating counterfeiters in China

On or around July 21st, 2015, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article titled, “Taylor Swift Counters Knockoffs in China.” This article sparked my interest in learning more about Taylor Swift – the businessperson, not the musician.

WSJ explains that as Taylor Swift’s popularity explodes in China, counterfeiters have begun profiting by selling goods branded with her name. To thwart the peddlers of such unauthorized goods, Taylor Swift is planning to launch a line of clothing, with her brand, on two of China’s biggest e-commerce platforms. According to WSJ, “Her strategy is to use her star status to get them to stop selling products that don’t have rights to use her name….”

Analysis: China’s intellectual property laws are rather archaic and not designed to protect a celebrity’s trademark rights. It will be a tough battle for sure. Whether she can succeed in stopping the counterfeiters in their tracks is hard to predict.

Her strategy of selling goods in China, licensed to use her brand, will certainly be accretive to her income but may not deter the counterfeiters. Authorized and unauthorized goods are likely to coexist since they will cater to different segments of the market. Any success in prosecuting the counterfeiters will require deployment of multiple strategies, with no guarantees that any strategy will be effective. If she succeeds in this battle, it will be yet another proof that she is made of sterner stuff

What Drives Taylor Swift?

On her official website, Taylor Swift shares some of her personal philosophy. It is quite an interesting read and provides an insight into her thought process. A few things that appealed to me:

  • She is not afraid of change (“all I ever do is change”);
  • She learns from her mistakes and tries to never repeat the same mistakes;
  • She listens to her intuitions;
  • She recognizes that life constantly presents new challenges (“we are never out of the woods, because we are always going to be fighting for something“);
  • People can’t drive her crazy (“I’ve learned how to shake things off”).

My Impressions of Taylor Swift (if you care to know!)

Taylor Swift certainly comes across as very driven, very committed, and a very bold person. She knows what she wants to be remembered for and strives tirelessly to attain her goals. She also appears to be very conscientious and empathetic.

While early to reach any conclusions assertively, her recent business moves indicate that she also has sharp business acumen.

She has definitely made a name for herself in the world of music. And evidently, she is swiftly making a mark in the world of business.

Business is Strategy. Play Well.


The (Not-So) Fine Print:

About me: I am tax and business strategist. When either strategy is astutely applied, individuals and businesses can benefit tremendously. My focus is on combining business and tax strategies to obtain potent results for my clients. The selection process of clients is rigorous, with an intake of less than 5% of prospects desirous of availing my services.

About my articles: My articles do not make for easy reading because they are written to make the reader pause and think. In writing, my goal is not merely to inform but provide a perspective; not teach but educate; and not to dispense advice but lay the groundwork for fertile exchange of ideas and opinions. I will mostly write on Business Strategies (tag line: Business is Strategy. Play Well.), and on Personal Development (Life is Precious. Live Well.).  Most of my posts will focus on these areas, but occasionally, I may wander just for a change of pace. While I cannot be certain that you will enjoy my articles, I can guarantee that I will express my mind fearlessly, without being restrained by social, political, religious, or professional norms that seem inane to me. And while I am not expecting you to agree with my views, I hope I am able to provide a different perspective. I would love to know if I am succeeding in these objectives. Your comments below will be highly appreciated.

Photo Credits:

Photograph of Taylor Swift is a Creative Commons Image.

Attribution:   Eva Rinaldi from Sydney, Australia (Uploaded by russavia)


License Rights:

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An Appeal to Mr. Jeff Bezos Sat, 18 Jul 2020 10:24:01 +0000 July 4, 2015

Dear Mr. Bezos,


The United States is a country unlike any other.  Our founding fathers not only recognized that every human being has inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, but also created a system enabling citizens to fully enjoy their rights.  These foundations have instilled in our people an optimistic attitude, tolerance towards and appreciation of other cultures, the initiative to excel in life, and a sense of generosity towards the less fortunate.  Akin to most Americans, I also feel a sense of pride to be an American and grateful that this exceptional country is my home. 

While the ideals that helped America reach such a privileged status are still secure, and there seem to be no imminent threats to our economy or our continued prosperity, certain pillars on which the nation’s foundation rests need to be reinforced even further.  One area that needs considerable improvement is our educational system, which has failed to accelerate the literacy level and the core competencies of our populace. 

For America to maintain its competitive edge in the centuries to come, it is imperative that the literacy level of Americans is improved. is best situated to do so by helping Americans increase their Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Intelligence even further.  Thus, I earnestly request you to consider this appeal.  Though the prime motivation to embark on such an endeavor would be for the betterment of humanity, it can also be a highly feasible business venture.   

Kindly allow with me to elaborate….

1.  The Limitations with our Educational System

 Even though our institutes of higher learning are acclaimed worldwide, the literacy rate of America is at the bottom quartile among all developed nations.  Our educational system does an outstanding job of imparting formal knowledge to students but they fail to impart the skills necessary to apply the knowledge; college graduates may have a higher level of intelligence, but they may not necessarily be wiser than their less educated colleagues; and while they may learn interpersonal skills, they seem to lack the confidence to interact with people!  While it is true that the United States is the world leader at innovating new technologies, most innovators are foreign trained; while the United States is home to the largest number of living noble laureates, the majority of such laureates are foreign born and spent their formative years outside the United States; and even though the United States boasts of the highest national net worth, in the absence of valid data, I assume the majority of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of first and second generation immigrants.  On average, America’s indigenous population, woefully, seems to be inadequately prepared to compete globally at the academic level. 

2. One Possible Solution

One solution to increasing the literacy level of the people would be by enhancing their core competencies.  We need schools or training organizations to supplement the education provided by formal institutions.  People need to become better decision makers, have the right attitude, be emboldened to take calculated risks, and develop a mindset that will propel them to accomplish more.  In recent years, several books have been published, the teachings of which, if inculcated by us can be very transformational.  To provide a couple of examples, in “Thinking Fast and Slow,” Daniel Kahneman shares with us the results of psychological discoveries made by him and his colleague Amos Tversky, identifying how our inherent biases cloud our judgement and decision making.  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, based on his research teaches us that

our best moments [in life] usually occur when our body and mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” 

A lot of wisdom is contained in the research of these and several other scholars. It is quite likely that thousands, if not millions, have read these books but probably only a very small miniscule truly embrace the teachings.  It would not be fair to fault the readers for this lapse.  Bringing about a change in our habits is among the hardest thing to do and a reading or two of good books rarely has a lasting effect.  Akin to listening to a motivational talk, for a few days and weeks we may feel elated but the effect soon withers and we go back to our previous selves.  For lasting change to take place, our brains need to be trained for months, if not years, and only then there could be any meaningful change in our habits.  The instructional schools I envision would do exactly that – have training programs that would help inculcate better habits by training participants for several weeks or months until the newly learned behavior replaces the earlier one.

3.  Benefits

The benefits of the envisaged training institutes would accrue to everyone associated with the institutes. would be the single largest beneficiary should it decide to undertake the proposed venture.

(a) Authors: The authors whose books are selected for developing the course curriculum would benefit because their books would sell more. Spurred by increased sales, authors would be motivated to write even more books, which would mean more books for to sell. As an example, Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends & Influence People” was first published in 1936 but continues to be a best seller even after 79 years. I would attribute two reasons for this. First, the book certainly contains timeless advice which resonates with people even today. What also helps is that the training arm of the Dale Carnegie organization has a presence in all major US cities and several foreign countries, conducting training programs based on his work, keeping sales of his books buoyant.

(b) Trainees or Students: If the institute is successful in helping even a modicum of the students become more motivated and prepares them to confront challenges confidently, very likely their earnings will increase. This would imply more disposable income, a portion of which is likely to be spent towards discretionary purchases at major retailers like With the increase in the intelligence of the general population, society will also experience positive effects, such as reduced crime, harmonious interpersonal relationships, a more productive workforce, and people will feel a sense of general well-being.   

(c) In the process of doing good for the society, is also likely to benefit handsomely from the tuition from the training programs. Education is a $1.3 trillion dollar business in the US alone. If the training programs gross a mere 1% of this amount, the company stands to add gross revenues of 13 billion dollars a year for several years!

I hope this proposal appeals to you and triggers your interest positively. Rarely does an opportunity comes across which not only makes an excellent business but also has the potential to build the nation concurrently. Undoubtedly, America needs a training organization of this nature to retain its eminent position for centuries to come. And, in my opinion, is best suited to make this a reality but I also realize the company may have other priorities and despite keen interest, may be unable to undertake this venture. I can only hope that this venture takes a high priority!

Thanking you, I remain


Sushil Rungta

Business is Strategy. Play Well

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Does 1+1 Always = 2? Contemplation for Entrepreneurs and Professionals Sat, 18 Jul 2020 10:19:46 +0000 We all know that in a mathematical setting, 1+1 always equals 2 but in most other contexts, rarely!  For purposes of this article, the question has been asked metaphorically and thus, as we shall see, 1+1 rarely equals 2. 

Before diving into the key points of this article, let me ask another question (I clarify this article is not about questions only.  I will try to not ask any more questions.  I promise):

Without spending too much time, name 5~10 businesses that instantly come to mind.  Now name a similar number of professional services businesses, such as accounting firms, law firms, financial services firms, management consulting firms etc. that you are aware of, whether you have availed their services or not.  

Looking over your answers, if my guess is correct, most of the companies and firms on your list, with the exception of maybe one or two, were founded by two or more people.  Is that merely a coincidence or do you draw any inferences from your answers? (Oops! I asked a question again.  Sorry and definitely no more!).  Studies have shown that companies with more than one founder tend to stay in business longer compared with similar businesses founded by only one person.  Even businesses with one owner (this would include family owned and managed businesses, small businesses, and services businesses) tend to perform poorly compared to similar businesses which have multiple owners.

Research on companies and firms with solo founders versus co-founders

To lend further credibility to this hypothesis, let us look at some reliable research conducted on startups and services firms with one founder versus two or more founders.

Startups:  Prof. Noam Wasserman of the Harvard Business School conducted a study of more than 3,500 start-up companies from 2000 to 2009.  Among the “high-potential startups” (defined as companies with the potential to become large and valuable), about 25% of the companies had three or more founders; over 34% had two founders, and only about 16% had a solo founder.  Prof. Wasserman concludes that startups with more than one founder have a better chance of becoming successful and surviving longer compared to startups with only one founder.  Should you wish to learn more about Prof. Wasserman’s research, you can visit his blog.

Paul Graham, the famed venture capitalist and a co-founder of Y Combinator, a seed funding company and business accelerator, also says that startups with two or more founders have a better chance of succeeding.  In an essay he wrote in 2006, he stated that the single biggest reasons start-ups fail is when there is only one founder.  Though this essay as written almost ten years ago, his findings ring true even today.

Starting a business or even managing one requires a diverse set of skills, and no one person can have all the required skills.  As Seth Godin succinctly but eloquently said, “….when people work together in an institution, they are able to produce more than if they work separately.  Ricardo (?) makes it obvious that if one person mixes the dough while the other bakes the loaves, they’ll get more done than if each did the whole job.”

Professional Services Business:  While there is abundant research available on startups, I found there to be a paucity of published research on professional services firms discussing founding or ownership of professional services firms.  Some relevant research on wealth management firms has been done by Philip Palaveev, the owner and CEO of “The Ensemble Practice LLC,” and author of “The Ensemble Practice:  A Team-Based Approach to Building a Superior Wealth Management Firm.”  His research led him to conclude that a [wealth management] firm’s success is predicated upon a team-based service model that serves as the foundation of the enterprise.  Defining an “ensemble” firm as “a firm that is multi-professional and team-based,” he says that “ensemble firms grow faster, achieve greater profitability, create more opportunity, and have real equity value.”

My perception of solo practitioners rendering professional services corroborates the conclusions reached by Palaveev.  I frequently interact with lawyers and accountants who are solo practitioners and I find that the majority of them, at best, are just surviving, not thriving.   Conversely, services firms with multiple professionals and stakeholders seem to flourish. 

Compared to other businesses, the difficulties faced by solo practitioners rendering any services are even greater.  For example, a manufacturing or retail business with a single owner is more likely to be self-sustaining if the business manufactures and/or resells goods in large volumes, achieving economies of scale.  Services, in contrast, have to be rendered by professionals personally, usually to one client at a time, making it extremely difficult, almost impossible, to grow organically.  For a solo professional to make an above average income, either s/he has to command a high fee or work longer hours to service a larger number of clientele. 

In the face of such hardship it is quite perplexing why many solo practitioners insist on remaining independent when they could potentially augment their income significantly by enlarging their practice by either entering into a partnership or employing other professionals so that a larger number of clientele can be served.

Is co-founding or partnership always the right answer?

The answer to this question is a definitive “no” and few answers can be so unequivocal.  Co-founding a business or working in partnership requires a commitment to the venture; to fellow partners; an almost perfect understanding and a high level of trust among the collaborators.  The importance of due diligence in selecting the right partner cannot be emphasized because if two or more people work together but have different ideologies, the association inevitably breaks down, causing considerably more damage than if the venture was taken solitarily. 

A wise man once told me that the word “TEAM” is an acronym of “Together Everyone Achieves More.”  Whether this is true or not is futile to discuss but at least it sounds reasonable.  However, the word “together” here needs to be accorded a meaning which is more profound than any dictionary definition.  For example, the Oxford dictionary defines “together” as “with or near to somebody/something else; with each other.”  Other dictionaries have a very similar definition and they all seem to imply “physical proximity.”  Assuming the T in TEAM does stand for “together,” the relevant meaning here should be a “shared vision,” or perhaps “similarity in thoughts and ideas” rather than physical proximity to other team members.  To illustrate, most of us probably know married couples who live under the same roof, eat in the same kitchen, likely sleep on the same bed but that is the extent of their “togetherness.”  Their opinions differ on most matters, their preferences are diametrically opposite, and one finds the view of the other on most issues abhorring.  Not surprisingly, such marriages are chaotic, punctuated with constant bickering, accusations, and disagreements over practically everything.  A collaboration between people who have opposing opinions about how a business should be managed, how the products are to be marketed, or what growth strategies should be employed can be even more disastrous than a dysfunctional marriage.  If a business is to survive and grow, it is imperative that all collaborators share a similar, if not identical, vision.


To complete the answer to the question raised in the title of this article, mathematically 1+1 always equals 2; when two like-minded people work together, 1+1>2; and when two people work together but are not emotionally and intellectually bonded, 1+1<2.

Forming healthy, workable alliances with others is not an option but a necessity if we are to achieve any success in life or in business.  If we want to change the world, or bring a game changing, disruptive idea to fruition, we need the cooperation and support of others.  As Nelson Mandela said during his inauguration as President of South Africa:

“ We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success.” 

Success, in any endeavor, is always a team effort.  Rarely can a person succeed alone.

Business is Strategy. Play Well©


The (Not-So) Fine Print:

About me: I am tax and business strategist who is yet to be widely discovered. When either strategy is astutely utilized, individuals and businesses can benefit tremendously. In combination, the results can be very potent.

About my articles: My articles do not make for easy reading because they are written to make the reader pause and think. In writing, my goal is not merely to inform but provide a perspective; not teach but educate; and not to dispense advice but lay the groundwork for fertile exchange of ideas and opinions. I will mostly write on smart Business Strategies (tag line: Business is Strategy. Play Well©) and on Personal Development (Life is Precious. Live Well©). Most of my posts will focus on these objectives, but occasionally, I may wander just for a change of pace. While I cannot guarantee that you will enjoy reading my articles, I can guarantee that I will express my mind fearlessly, without being restrained by social, political, religious, or professional norms that seem inane to me. And while I also cannot guarantee that you will agree with my views, I will try to provide a perspective which is likely to be fresh. I would love to know if I am succeeding in my objectives. Your comments below will be highly appreciated.

Acknowledgements & Appreciations

1)         I would like to express my gratitude to Tricia Ang, a very valuable friend to me, for helping me develop this article and reading the many drafts and providing her valuable insights. Tricia is a highly focused startup entrepreneur. You can sample some of the amazing work she does as a web solutions architect at

2)         The illustration accompanying this article was created at I thank and appreciate the friendly folks at Canva for creating an easy to use but a very versatile platform for creating graphics and illustrations. With a little effort, even amateurs like me are becoming designers!

3)         I would also like to express my appreciation and gratitude also to LinkedIn Corporation for allowing us to publish on this platform and making available a large audience with whom we can share our ideas.

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