Looking through pots of daffodils,
Neatly arranged on the windowsill,
It is still dark,
And quiet, eerily quiet.
No sound of a dog’s bark,
Nor any roosters hark,
And nary a whisper in the park.

The first rays of the sun just breaking,
My eyes spot a hummingbird,
Chirping, squeaking, and whistling,
As it flutters from flower to flower,
Hovering over a salvia, and then on a petunia,
And on to a bright red hibiscus next,
Relishing the sweet nectars,
Nourishing itself,
Reveling in its freedom,
To do what it pleases,
Concerned not with anything else.

The sun rises higher,
Illuminating the realm around,
Seems it will be a clear bright day!
Will it? I ask myself,
Lately, I have seen dawns,
And then I see dusks,
But no sunshine, no light,
The sky is always overcast.

Inside the house,
As it has been for several years’ past,
It feels foggy, cold, and damp,
And so very lonely,
Nary a trace of warmth,
No one to embrace,
Nor give a comforting hug,
Is it because everyone is asleep?
Or because no one doth care?

I hear a voice,
Soothing and gentle,
Asking me softly,
And with a lot of loving care,
“What is it my child,
Why do you feel exiled,
And so much deprived?”

sense a glimmer of hope,
And reply rather meekly,
“My life feels empty,
Barren and unsweet,
A life is no life,
Which is a prisoner to fate,
Sans any true love,
Or someone to caress,
I long for a life full of joys,
And little, if any grief,
Joys are multiplied,
When they are shared,
But grief, I agree,
Should be endured quietly.
I want to share my joys,
And lend a helping hand,
Now and always,
So, I feel pleased.”

You are not asinine,”
The voice lovingly replied,
“You should know better,
That one can feel lonely,
In solitude and also in a crowd,
It’s all your attitude,
and the chatter in your mind,
The world is what it is,
And such it will ever be.

Blame not the world,
Nor the people around you,
As the cause of your miseries,
’tis the stories you tell yourself,
The tales you conjure,
That cause you distress.

Your thoughts are what shape you,
Change your narrative,
Let not your thoughts hold you hostage,
Discard any tinted glasses,
Then there will be light,
And sunshine around you.

You are the master of your fate,
And the captain of your soul,
Fly like the hummingbird,
Flap your wings in joy,

Your life is beautiful,
And so full of joy,
Appreciate it as such,
You need to untangle,
And you will find blissful joy,”

I thanked her with the bottom of heart,
And changed my tinted glasses,
Yes, life is truly joyous,
It is all within.

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