About This Blog

My motivation in creating this blog is to share tips and tricks to help my guests “Design a Better Life” whether it be personal or professional.  I am of the firm opinion that what our tomorrow looks like depends upon the decisions and actions we take today.  Occasionally, luck intervenes and either brightens or stifles our tomorrow but the predominant role is played by our thoughts, decisions, and actions that we take today.  I believe we can shape our lives however we want it to be.  Tomorrow will come, but if we want it to be to our liking, we have to shape it, proactively and prudently.

In these pages, I share lessons I have learnt, thoughts that have inspired me, and the experiences I have encountered.  Most articles here focus on improving ourselves in some way or another but occasionally, I do venture into other subjects.

I have tried to layout the pages so any reader can easily and quickly find content that is of interest to them.  However, I briefly explain the layout:

On the front page, you will find menus that read as follows:

About, Thoughts, Wanderlust, Think About It, and Quotes

About: This drops down and reveals three more menu items, About Me, About This Blog, and Contact Me.  I believe these are self-explanatory.

Thoughts: This drops down to reveal four more menu items:  Personal Growth, Professional Growth, Poems, and Sundry.

Personal Growth: Under this menu, you will find articles that primarily help us in understanding and shaping our personality, our thought process, ethics, morality, etc.

Professional Growth: Under this menu, you will find articles that primarily help us in understanding and shaping our careers, our business, and our professional lives.  Articles on business strategies and developing competencies that help us in the workplace also reside here.

Poems: Poems could cover a wide array of subjects and could reside in either of the above categories.  However, since I write poems very infrequently, I thought I should give it its own space.

Sundry: Any articles and thoughts that do not seem to fit in any of the above categories are collected here.

Wanderlust: I enjoy traveling and discovering new places. Though I do visit popular destinations, wherever possible, I prefer to travel to little known places, or places that are not popular with the hoi-polloi.   Traveling for me is an investment in understanding different cultures, customs, traditions, and values.  I have found traveling has also been a very effective teacher of tolerance and humility.  Under this menu, I write about my travels and share my experiences of people, places, and things.

Think About It: These are short posts in which basically I share my thoughts on current events, activities, or any issues that are currently the subject of debates and discussion amongst a large populace.

Quotes: This page links to my Quotes page on Goodreads.com.  It is a collection of one or two sentences that conveys a message cryptically, but hopefully, also effectively.

The Blog Banner: The Banner is comprised of three pictures.  One is the sculpture of a wheel, known as the Konark wheel, in the Sun Temple, Konark, Odisha.  I spent my childhood in Odisha and this picture is included to represent my childhood years.  The picture in the middle is of the Victoria Memorial in Kolkata, West Bengal.  I spent my adolescence and early adulthood days in Kolkata and this city occupies a special place in my heart.  The next picture is of the harbor in San Diego, California which has been my home since 1995.

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